Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria normally live in the intestines of people and animals. Most E. coli are harmless and actually are an important part of a healthy human intestinal tract. However,...
View Article#ColonChat
Colon Cancer is a cancer that is characterized by the development of malignant cells in the lining or epithelium of the first and longest portion of the large intestine.
View Article#CRCSM
Colon Cancer and Colorectal Cancer is a cancer that is characterized by the development of malignant cells in the lining or epithelium of the first and longest portion of the large intestine.
View Article#HCCD
Colon Cancer is a cancer that is characterized by the development of malignant cells in the lining or epithelium of the first and longest portion of the large intestine.
View Article#LiverDisease
Liver Disease (also called hepatic disease) is a type of damage to or disease of the liver.
View Article#LynchSyndrome
Lynch Syndrome, often called hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), is an inherited disorder that increases the risk of many types of cancer, particularly cancers of the colon (large...
View Article#RectalCancer
Rectal Cancer is a cancer from uncontrolled cell growth in the colon or rectum, or in the appendix.
View Article#HepPartners
Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver and also refers to a group of viral infections that affect the liver . The most common types are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.
View Article#Celiaquia
La enfermedad Celíaca es un fracaso crónico para digerir los alimentos que se desencadena por la hipersensibilidad del intestino delgado al gluten.
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